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schwaSchwa is a name given for the most common sound in English . The word derives from a Hebrew word for a diacritic indicating a neutral vowel sound. | |
second language acquisitionAlso referred to as L2A. It is the process by which a second language is acquired. It is a field of study in linguistics. | |
secondary stressSee main stress. | |
semi-authentic textsThese are the authentic texts which have been adapted slightly for language teaching. | |
semi-modalsSee modal verbs. | |
semi-vowelIt is a sound usually classed as a consonant (in English), but not a true consonant because there is no complete closure or
restriction stopping the flow of air. Also called
an approximant /r/, /l/, /w/ and /j/). | |
sentence adverbSee adverb. | |
sentence adverbsSee adverbs | |
silent periodFrom Krashen's L2A theories and Terrell's Natural Approach, this is the idea that second language learners should be allowed to have a silent period when they first start learning. This means they are not forced to speak until they are ready. | |