TEFL Glossary

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Intonation is the rise and fall of the voice in speech.


See transitive.

intrinsic motivation

Learners with intrinsic motivation are motivated to learn a language (or other subject or skill)  because it is enjoyable. The learner is learning to use English for its own sake rather than because it will lead to an external reward.

Research suggests that learners with intrinsic motivation learn more effectively than those with only extrinsic (external) motivation. Teachers should try to make lessons interesting and fun in order to promote intrinsic motivation.

See also extrinsic motivation.

irregular adverbs

They are the adverbs of manner which are not formed by adding -ly to the adjective, e.g., hard, well, late and fast.

irregular plural

It is the plural form of a countable noun that is not formed by just adding -s, or -es to the singular noun, e.g., children, wolves and women.

irregular plurals

Plural nouns that do not take the normal form of an added -s or -es. E.g. children, women, sheep.

ISE exams

Integrated Skills in English is a series of English language exams at 4 different levels run by Trinity College London.


jigsaw listening

See jigsaw reading.

Jigsaw reading

It is a type of reading activity in which groups of students are given different texts to read. This is often one text which has been divided into sections, but may also be separate texts on the same topic. This technique can also be used for listening texts. See Unit 5 Part 1 for a detailed description.



Key English Test -  a Cambridge English examination for students at A2 level.

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