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I |
International English Language Testing SystemSee IELTS. | |
interrogative adjectivesSee interrogative determiners. | |
interrogative determinersThey are also called interrogative adjectives (e.g., whose,
what, which). | |
interrogative formsQuestion forms are grammatical forms used for asking questions. E.g.: The interrogative/question form for past simple is S+did+verb (infinitive): Did you make a pie? | |
intonationIntonation is the rise and fall of the voice in speech. | |
intransitiveSee transitive. | |
irregular adverbsThey are the adverbs of manner which are not formed by adding -ly to the adjective, e.g., hard, well, late and fast. | |
irregular pluralIt is the plural form of a countable noun that is not formed by just adding -s, or -es to the singular noun, e.g., children, wolves and women. | |
irregular pluralsPlural nouns that do not take the normal form of an added -s or -es. E.g. children, women, sheep. | |